

IQ Option Demo

Do you want to get a IQ Option demo? Trying the broker for free without investing money? It is a great way of finding out if IQ Option is the right fit for you without having any risk involved. Here is how you do it.

How to get the IQ Option Demo

Before you sign up with any binary options broker, you should test them first. After all, you are investing money and are potentially choosing a partner for a long trading career. IQ Option understand the importance of the testing process and makes it easy for you – easier than you might think.

To test a binary options broker, many brokers either require you to register a demo account or do not allow you to demo their service at all. With IQ Option, things are different. To get a real account and full access to IQ Option’s trading platform, you only need to fill out a simple form on their homepage with very basic information – provide your name, your email, and your currency, and you are good to go.

You do not need to deposit any money with IQ Option to receive a real trading account. Of course, you can’t make real investments until you have deposited money, but that does not matter much. Even without a deposit, you get full access to their trading platform and you can use the IQ Option Demo in every way imaginable:

  • Test which payouts you will get in which types of trading situations. Are the payouts high enough for the type of trading strategy you want to employ? Can you make money with IQ Option?
  • Test if you like the available binary option types. Do you like the selection of available assets? Can you find the right assets to make money by trading the situations you want to trade?
  • Test if you like the available assets. Are there assets from the market you want to trade? Does IQ Option offer the right type of asset for your strategy?
  • Test the trading platform in general. Do you like the platform’s handling? Can you use the platform for a long time without making mistakes?
Start earning money today with just a $10 deposit with IQ Option!

If you can answer all these questions with yes, you know that you have found the ideal broker for you. In this case, we encourage you to sign up with IQ Option. If you answered one or more of these questions with no, you have to decide how important these factors are to you.

On our site, you can find links to many more trustworthy brokers that you can test.

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IQ Option Demo

Make money with binary options

You can make money with binary options, but in order to do well in this venture – as in any kind of business – you need to know what you’re doing. Whereas binary options are simple and easy to understand, you can’t just show up with your hand out, expecting to strike it rich.

The best way to start your journey to success as a binary trader is by learning as much as you can about the subject. Only when you have educated yourself, and gained a more complete understanding of binary options, can you realistically expect to earn the big bucks you’ve been hearing about.

Here at binarybettingguide.org we aim to provide you with the basics. By reading our articles, you should be able to gain at least a good grounding in the basics. We also offer links to the best and most reputable binary brokers. By using us as your guide to the fascinating world of binary options, you give yourself the best chance possible of reaching your goal of sustained success.

Make money with binary options – the easy way

A binary option is an investment product. Other investment products you might be familiar with include bonds, stocks and commodities.

Binary options are different from the rest in many important ways. We are not going to go into all of them here in this introduction – you will find several in-depth articles elsewhere on the site – instead we will point out the main, defining difference: investing in a binary option is faster, easier and cheaper than any comparable investment vehicle.

A binary option is a prediction you make about the future price movement of an asset. You could say the same about buying a stock or a commodity – when you buy shares in Google, or a gold bar you are also making a prediction, namely that the price of the asset you invested in will go up, and you will earn a profit on the trade. But a binary option is different, a binary option is only a prediction you make. You do not have to buy anything. You simply tell your binary broker what you think will happen. So instead of, for example, buying $200 worth of shares in Google, you tell your broker that you think Google shares will rise over the course of the next 10 minutes and invest $200 in this prediction.

Sticking with the example, if the share price of Google rose by 0,001 % over the course of the next 10 minutes you would earn a profit of .002 cents on your $200 worth of shares. Your binary option, on the other hand, would pay out a profit of about 80 %, depending on your broker. That is $160! This example should make it clear just why binary options have become so phenomenally popular over the course of recent years.

You can get started today

This form of trading is a lot less complicated than other forms of investments, and much easier to get started with.

All you need in order to complete your first binary trade today is to open an account with a binary broker. You can do that by following this simple procedure:

  1. Find a binary broker that suits your requirements on our site
  2. Visit the broker’s page
  3. Fill in a registration form – this usually doesn’t take more than a few moments
  4. Transfer money to your new brokerage account. Most brokers have a minimum deposit limit, usually around $200
  5. Many binary brokers pay a bonus on your first deposit. If you have opened an account with one such broker, you will receive your bonus at this stage
  6. Start trading!

Obviously, you should not throw yourself in at the deep end immediately. Before you start investing our hard-earned money in the market, you need to prepare yourself properly. The point we are making is that it is easy to get started. You don’t need any degrees or special permits. All that’s required is an email address, a modest sum to invest and a keen interest in making money.

How to become a profitable trader

In the paragraph above you described how you get started. In this paragraph we’ll say a few words about how you can achieve success now you’re up and running as a binary trader.

Obviously, the first thing you need to do is learn the basics. Nobody can run before they can walk, and it’s not a good idea to try walking before you’ve got the hang of crawling either. Fortunately, there are several ways to get the hang of binary trading quickly and easily. Here are some that we recommend:

  • Free trial – many brokers let you make trades on their platform for free with pretend credits instead of money. This is a great way to hone your skills as a trader, and learn how binary options work first-hand, without risk.
  • Binarybettingguide.org – on this site you find a wealth of informative articles, and links to reputable brokers.
  • Education centers – many binary brokers offer online education centers where you can learn a lot about binary options. They will offer insightful articles, relevant e-books, and even helpful video tutorials. If your broker offers an education center, we recommend you make use of it.

Once you have educated yourself on binary options, it is time to put what you have learned into practice. If you have ambition and drive, and you are willing to make the required effort, this should result in a steady stream of profit within a short timeframe.

Handy tricks to help you achieve success

Obviously, you need to learn as much as you can about binary trading in order to achieve success. You also need to be a hard working person, willing to show dedication and commitment to reaching your goal. If you have these qualities, there are short-cuts that can help you make the big money on offer with binary trading. Some of the most attractive of them include:

  • Binary signals – a binary signal is an expert piece of advice, recommending a specific trade. Signals are generated by highly sophisticated software solutions that process enormous amounts of market data. When the software recognizes a good trading opportunity, it creates a signal. Companies called signal providers sell subscriptions to binary traders, who, in exchange for a monthly fee, receive signals via SMS and email.
  • Binary robots – if you subscribe to signals, you will need to log into your broker and manually make the recommended trade the signal indicated. With a robot you don’t even have to do this. A binary robot reacts automatically to signals, executing the trade on your behalf.

Signals produce excellent results. Many signal providers boast strike rates of up to 80 % winning trades. That is more than enough to make a healthy profit.

When it comes to robots, the picture is not as bright. A lot of the robots on the market simply do not live up to their promises and cost far too much to be part of a viable investment strategy. Fortunately there is a big exception, and that is BinaryOptionRobot. This robot has become the unchallenged market-leader in record time. If you are considering getting professional assistance with your trading, we recommend you go with BinaryOptionRobot.

Please note that if you want to use BinaryOptionRobot, you should register with the robot first and then sign up with a broker via BinaryOptionRobot. By doing this, the broker will pay for you to use the robot free of charge!

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Make money with binary options

Best binary options robot

It might seem hard to believe, but when it comes to binary options robots, the best alternative is also the cheapest. Remarkably, you can use the best robot that exists for binary options totally free of charge.

The robot in question is BinaryOptionRobot. Whereas the marketplace for binary brokers and signal providers gets ever larger and more competitive, the robot market is completely dominated by one player – BinaryOptionRobot.

The reason for this is twofold, and very compelling: BinaryOptionRobot is not only the best, it is also the cheapest. In this article, you can learn more about what makes this robot better than the rest.

Great results with the best binary options robot

Let’s get straight to it: the fact that you can use BinaryOptionRobot free of charge wouldn’t matter at all if the robot didn’t produce results. A free robot that’s no good is of no interest to anyone. But as it happens BinaryOptionRobot is good. It’s very, very good.

BinaryOptionRobot trades on reliable signals that produce consistently favorable results. The robot employs a highly competent team of professional traders who use their expert knowledge and experience to the subscribers’ benefit.

Quite simply, this is a unique opportunity to employ the skills and expertise of some highly qualified professionals to manage your binary trading. We have no hesitation when it comes to giving BinaryOptionRobot our most sincere recommendation.

Excellent features

Beyond rock solid results, BinaryOptionRobot also offers some highly inventive and unique features that enable you, as a trader, to attain a high degree of control.

You can activate a stop-loss feature that automatically stops BinaryOptionRobot from continuing to make trades on your behalf after a certain number of consecutive losing trades. In theory, this protects you from the consequences of bad losing streaks. In fact, the situation is a bit more complex, something you can read more about in our other articles. Stop-loss can be of benefit to certain traders in certain situations, though.

A very exciting new feature that is unique to BinaryOptionRobot is the opportunity to define the risk level you would like to trade with. BinaryOptionRobot offer you a choice between four different levels of risk. This puts you firmly in the driver’s seat, and assures that the robot executes trades that fit with your preferences.

The risk level feature is available only to VIP members. You attain VIP benefits by recruiting new customers on behalf of BinaryOptionRobot. This is not a difficult task, considering the value for money on offer here.

Unbeatable price

Of course, it is impossible to talk about BinaryOptionRobot without mentioning price as a strong point. This robot is still, and will always be, free to use for its subscribers.

As we have describer in more detail elsewhere on the site, this is due to BinaryOptionRobot’s unique business model. The robot is able to offer its services to you free of charge because it charges your binary broker instead.

This means that the broker you use to trade with BinaryOptionRobot is treating you to a free robot. In other words, this is not a free robot. It’s not a service that is being given away without payment. It is a very good robot that, thanks to a very smart pricing model, is being paid for by brokers, not traders.

If the guys behind BinaryOptionRobot were clever enough to come up with such an inventive scheme, you can rest assured they’ve got the skills to produce excellent results on your behalf in the binary options market.

It is very easy to open an account with BinaryOptionRobot. You can be reaping the benefits of the best binary options robot – for free – in a matter of minutes. Why not sign up now, and let BinaryOptionRobot make you money before the trading day is over?

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Best binary options robot